
These are the types of assessments I can provide.

Following an initial discussion with the client, a decision can be made to which assessment/s are to be completed.

Functional Assessment

An assessment to understand your physical abilities and how you are able to manage daily tasks. These include getting in and out of bed and getting on and off your chair and toilet. A functional assessment also looks at Falls Prevention, fatigue and ways to conserve energy.

Assessment of activities of daily living

This assessment considers any difficulties you are having with tasks such as getting washed and dressed, making meals, shopping, laundry, housework or getting out and about.

Moving and Handling Assessment

An assessment of your more complex moving and handling needs. Looking at the equipment that might be required to get you in and out of bed and on and off the chair or toilet. A joint visit may also take place with moving and handling companies to trial slings, hoists or transfer aids.

Neurological Assessment

An assessment that is completed following a neurological event such as a stroke, head injury or illness such as Parkinson’s. I explore both physical and cognitive problems you may have.

Cognitive Assessment

An assessment focusing on your cognitive abilities such as memory, planning, organisation and sequencing.

Hand Assessment

A focused assessment of your hand function. For people with arthritis or following an injury, a detailed assessment can measure your hand function and how daily life is being affected.

Environmental Assessment

A full review of your home, coupled with your abilities to identify the appropriate equipment you may need to maintain your independence and safety at home.

Seating and wheelchair assessment

A full assessment of your needs to maintain a good sitting position in a chair or a review of your physical needs in conjunction with your abilities and carer support to identify the best wheelchair to meet your requirements. Both the seating and wheelchair assessment may extend to further joint visits with representatives of a wheelchair or seating company to trial different items.

Work Assessments

A work assessment focuses on your ability to complete your role at work. An assessment of your functional ability and the tasks you need to complete at work. Following this, rehabilitation to enable you to return to work can take place or recommendations for adjustments at work can be made.

The assessments can take up to 2 hours, dependent on your requirements. They can be completed over several sessions to accommodate fatigue.

Following the assessment, the results are shared, and the next steps decided. This can be a recommendation list for equipment, which I can support in obtaining, or a treatment plan to improve your functional ability to achieve your optimal independence.